It’s fair to say that during my 20 years experience, the financial planning service industry has been through significant change, technological and regulatory in its pursuit of a higher degree of professionalism. However, one thing remains constant, is hard fought, cannot be bought and that is trust. Trust remains at the heart of what we do, as without it, there’s no basis for long-term client relationships, regardless of how good the proposition may be. Trust may be inferred on a personal level, which explains why the majority of new client introductions come from existing client referrals, but when it comes to demonstrating professional standards, it’s often the professional bodies within our industry that we turn to for that all important seal of approval.
Over a 10-year directorship in Bernard Barrett Associates Ltd, we constantly sought ways in which we could demonstrate quality and professionalism to our clients and were proud to be awarded the coveted Corporate Chartered Status by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), it’s the industry’s gold standard for firms of financial planners and remains the benchmark of professional excellence and integrity. Having worked so hard to achieve and maintain this status, it was not something we were prepared to give up when considering the long-term stewardship of our clients, and so the fact that Craven Street Wealth is also part of this exclusive club gave great confidence when we decided to transfer our business earlier this year.
Throughout my career in financial services, the direction of travel has been towards an increasingly more regulated landscape. I recognised quite early on the importance of accreditation and viewed it as a way of signalling genuine differentiation, demonstrating technical capability and professional commitment, which in today’s industry is a must. In practice, this means that just a short glance at credentials can provide clients with the confidence they are looking for, so that beyond the ‘nice guy’ test they can be assured that they are dealing with a firm who can provide first-class service, advice and support.
After personally reaching Chartered Financial Planner status in 2010, I continued on this path, achieving the status of ‘Fellow of the Personal Finance Society’ (FPFS) in 2018. At last count, of 30,000 members within the PFS, less than 2,900 held this advanced level qualification, though as the financial planning community strives for greater recognition for the important role we play in client services, I expect this number to increase, and in time, the bar will no doubt be raised higher still.
Following the recent business transfer of Bernard Barrett Associates Ltd to Craven Street Wealth, I have found myself in good company, with currently 11 of the 18 advisers here boasting Chartered Status, 3 of which are Fellows. This not only speaks volumes of the quality in the team, providing real depth in experience and ability to draw upon, but also engenders that culture of excellence. In the same way that success drives success, high standards drive even higher standards, setting the bar high, evident in the fact that trainee advisers are coming through the development programme and will also soon be reaching that gold standard.
This progressive attitude of self-improvement which is evident at Craven Street Wealth naturally leads to the acquisition of both skills and knowledge at the highest level, and as the team and business develops, a genuine excitement for what lies ahead.
To speak to a member of our highly qualified and experienced team please contact us on 0330 320 9280, email or complete our online enquiry form.
The content of this article is for information only and does not constitute formal financial advice. This material is for general information only and does not constitute investment, tax, legal or other forms of advice.
References to legislation and tax is based on our understanding of United Kingdom law and HM Revenue & Customs practice at the date of publication. These may be subject to change in the future. Tax rates and reliefs may be altered. The value of tax reliefs to the investor depends on their financial circumstances. No guarantees are given regarding the effectiveness of any arrangements entered into on the basis of these comments.
You should not rely on this information to make, or refrain from making any decisions. Always obtain independent, professional advice for your own particular situation.
Craven Street Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.